Monday, May 4, 2009

Site Specific Installation

When thinking of a site specific project and walking
through the halls of the Fine Arts building
many ideas came to me, but only one stuck out
that I wanted to expand on. I was inspired by
the construction of the building, in particular the west
entrance that leads to the perforance theatre.

My idea was for the walls to appear they were looking
at you. The reaction of viewers I knew would vary.
For example, many people feel uncomfortable when
they feel they are being watched. Some though feel very
comfortable as if on stage in front of an audience.

Product Images:

Materials: Cotton balls, M&M's, black sharpie, and white out.

Process: Pupil created with a black sharpie on a plain M&M,
sparkle created with a white out pen, M&M hot glued to a
cotton ball, cotton ball was manipulated to fit within a hole
in the wall which was created during the construction
process of the building.
Hours were spent on each individual step within the
making process and hours were spent to position each
individual eyeball to make it look as though the eye balls
were looking in different directions.

[Multiple views of installation space]
Under Stairway:

Opposing Wall:

Staircase Leading to Perforamce Theatre:

Staircase to 2nd Level:


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