Tuesday, May 5, 2009


At the first thought of creating video I was intimidated. This was a medium I had not explored previously. After going over the program Adobe Premiere I felt a little more comfortable to take on such a task. My thought was Adobe Premiere would be somewhat similar to Adobe Photoshop. In some aspects I was correct but completely wrong in others.

My choosing of the "Commercial" assignment was to cover and to explore Omaha. Not from a glorified perspective like you would see in brochures of Missouri, etc but as the true city it is. Within any city it is never as glam as you think but pictures and other forms of imaging can be deceptive.

I drove around Omaha capturing my surroundings on a video camcorder of places that could or could not be familiar to one person. I then took that footage into Adobe Premiere, cut and used the footage I wanted then layed over still images of Omaha landmarks, lowering the opacity.

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