Thursday, May 7, 2009

Final Project

Though I tend to rather work with my hands sculpting and creating a piece over clicking of a mouse, I found I enjoyed working with video and sound, and from examples in class I was inspired to want to further my knowledge and experience in Adobe Premiere.
The sound includes not only found sound-sound created by objects around the house (squeaky dog toys, pop cans, newspaper, etc.) as well as by mouth and hand-but also includes music from the genres of rock and classic rock (Linkin Park and Lynard Skynard-Free Bird (live)). The sound was also manipulated with filters such as pitch shifter. The video included digital imaging created in Adobe Photoshop and animation (you can see an abstract image of myself throughout). The video I manipulated was a transformers breakdancing video. Between the video and sound I used but did not limit myself to effects such as transitions, keying, color to, etc.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This blog was the first ever blog created by me. My first thought off hand: blogs are created to talk about yourself. And that was one thing I was not completely comfortable with. Come to find out blogs are created to cover many topics. Not to mention whatever one decides to blog about does say something about that person. So in one aspect all blogs are personal.

My blog covered artists and pieces or groups of work that inspired me. Which is also the reason for the blog title. "Inspired-to-Recognize", I was inspired by these artists to want to recognize them for their ideas, concepts, pieces, etc.

"Music Video"

This assignment compared to the "Commericial" video added one more hurdle to jump, sound. I enjoyed working with the addition of sound but would have to admit was a lot of work. In general I created this video focusing on dance and when I use the term dance, in relation to this video, I use it loosely. I wanted to focus on movement which is a form of dance just like any sound is a form of music.

The sound was all found sound, mainly created by pots and pans and other objects found around the house. Effects I used included but did not limit myself to was hue, saturation, brightness/contrast, magnify, etc.


At the first thought of creating video I was intimidated. This was a medium I had not explored previously. After going over the program Adobe Premiere I felt a little more comfortable to take on such a task. My thought was Adobe Premiere would be somewhat similar to Adobe Photoshop. In some aspects I was correct but completely wrong in others.

My choosing of the "Commercial" assignment was to cover and to explore Omaha. Not from a glorified perspective like you would see in brochures of Missouri, etc but as the true city it is. Within any city it is never as glam as you think but pictures and other forms of imaging can be deceptive.

I drove around Omaha capturing my surroundings on a video camcorder of places that could or could not be familiar to one person. I then took that footage into Adobe Premiere, cut and used the footage I wanted then layed over still images of Omaha landmarks, lowering the opacity.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Performance Score

After accomplishing a score related to the website, the next
stepping stone was to create a score then trade that score
with a fellow classmate and to fulfill that score as well.

The score I created requested that the person
choose a song they would like as a theme song,
create a CD cover for that song, and to write the
reason of their choosing.

The score I received to fulfill was to create a storyboard
to a song, whether a song that meant something to me
or just a classic favorite. The story board had to include
at least 4 story board squares, 2"x 2" each.

I chose to create the story board for the song "Free Bird"
by Lynard Skynard. The medium I chose was digital
using Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is a program I
have been exploring within the last year but more specifically
in relation to photography. Because of this I wanted to explore
the program further in other forms of art.

Learning to Love You More

The score I accomplished and submitted to the website was assignment #69 -
Climb to the top of a tree and take a picture
of the view. The score also required the location of the
tree in which the picture was taken.

I chose this assignment because it included a medium
in which I enjoy to work with. I chose the location
because I'm familiar with the space.

This tree sits in Zorinsky Lake Park located in Omaha, Ne.

Site Specific Installation

When thinking of a site specific project and walking
through the halls of the Fine Arts building
many ideas came to me, but only one stuck out
that I wanted to expand on. I was inspired by
the construction of the building, in particular the west
entrance that leads to the perforance theatre.

My idea was for the walls to appear they were looking
at you. The reaction of viewers I knew would vary.
For example, many people feel uncomfortable when
they feel they are being watched. Some though feel very
comfortable as if on stage in front of an audience.

Product Images:

Materials: Cotton balls, M&M's, black sharpie, and white out.

Process: Pupil created with a black sharpie on a plain M&M,
sparkle created with a white out pen, M&M hot glued to a
cotton ball, cotton ball was manipulated to fit within a hole
in the wall which was created during the construction
process of the building.
Hours were spent on each individual step within the
making process and hours were spent to position each
individual eyeball to make it look as though the eye balls
were looking in different directions.

[Multiple views of installation space]
Under Stairway:

Opposing Wall:

Staircase Leading to Perforamce Theatre:

Staircase to 2nd Level:
